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10 Essential Techniques for Managers To Earn Respect

How to earn more respect as a manager? 

Here’s a thought-provoking question: Is the respect you receive a result of obligation or genuine admiration? Some leaders assume they’re entitled to respect solely due to their title or authority, but that’s far from reality. In fact, harboring such an attitude is more likely to erode respect. True respect is earned gradually through diligent effort.


To gain more respect as a manager, consider these strategies:


Facilitate Employee Growth: Create opportunities for your team’s development.

Express Appreciation: Learn to value your employees and their contributions.

Handle Conflict Skillfully: Resolve conflicts amicably and constructively.

Consistency Matters: Maintain consistency in your actions and decisions.

Truthfulness is Key: Be honest and transparent in your interactions.

Self-Respect: Cultivate self-respect, which reflects in how others perceive you.

Enhance Self-Awareness: Understand your emotions and their impact.

Frequent Communication: Keep open lines of communication with your team.

Authenticity: Be true to yourself and your values.

Embrace Vulnerability: Recognize the strength in vulnerability.

While juggling these responsibilities may seem overwhelming, it’s crucial not to resort to fear-based leadership. Leading through fear is counterproductive, hindering employees’ voices, engagement, creativity, and trust in leadership. Modern employees seek transparency, fairness, empathy, and inclusivity in their leaders.


If you’ve been taking your title for granted, it’s time to change your perspective. Align yourself with your team members, demonstrating your commitment to the organization’s progress. The most effective leaders invest in developing their emotional intelligence to better understand and care for their employees. Building emotional intelligence is the key to fostering a respectful and productive workplace.


Why Employees Might Not Respect Their Manager

Before we discuss how to gain respect from employees, let’s explore some of the reasons why employees might not respect their boss. These include:

  • Stifling employee growth: When you hire intelligent people and then micromanage their every move, you’re stifling their creativity and potential. Employees want to feel like they’re trusted and empowered to do their jobs well. If you’re constantly breathing down their necks, they’re not going to be able to grow and develop.
  • Neglecting employee appreciation: Showing appreciation for your employees’ hard work is one of the easiest ways to earn their respect. When you take the time to thank them for their contributions, it shows that you value their work and that you’re grateful for their efforts. Conversely, if you never show appreciation, or if you only do it half-heartedly, your employees will start to feel unappreciated and disrespected.
  • Poor conflict management: How you handle conflict can also affect the level of respect you command. If you’re able to address conflicts calmly and directly, it shows that you’re a strong and capable leader. However, if you avoid conflict, or if you handle it in a way that’s unfair or biased, it can erode respect for you.
  • Inconsistency: Employees need to know that they can count on you to be consistent in your words and actions. If you say one thing one day and then do something different the next, it will be difficult for them to trust you. This can lead to a loss of respect.
  • Dishonesty: Lying is one of the fastest ways to lose the respect of your employees. If they find out that you’ve lied to them, even if it was a small lie, it can be very damaging to your relationship with them. It can be difficult to rebuild trust once it’s been broken.
  • Lack of personal interest: Employees want to feel like their boss cares about them as people, not just as employees. If you show no interest in their personal lives, it can make them feel like you don’t care about them as individuals. This can make it difficult for them to respect you.


Here is TED talk that explains why employees hate authoritative managers 

How to Gain Respect From Employees

If you’re not sure why your employees might not respect you, or if you’re simply looking for ways to improve the respect they have for you, here are a few tips:

  • Give employees the freedom to be creative and take risks. When you trust your employees to do their jobs well, they’re more likely to feel respected and valued.
  • Be consistent in your words and actions. Employees need to know that they can count on you to be reliable and trustworthy.
  • Be honest, even when it’s difficult. Lying will only damage your reputation and make it harder for you to earn the respect of your employees.
  • Show interest in your employees’ personal lives. This doesn’t mean you have to be their best friend, but it does mean taking the time to get to know them as people.
  • Praise and appreciate your employees’ hard work. When you show appreciation, it shows that you value their contributions.
  • Be fair and impartial when dealing with conflicts. If you handle conflicts fairly, it shows that you’re a fair and just leader.

By following these tips, you can start to earn the respect of your employees and build a stronger team.

How to Gain Respect as a Manager

Gaining respect as a manager takes time and effort. However, it is possible to earn the respect of your employees by following these tips:

  1. Respect yourself first. This means taking care of your physical and mental health, setting ambitious goals for yourself, and being proud of your accomplishments. When you respect yourself, others will be more likely to respect you as well.
  2. Be self-aware. This means knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and being able to manage them effectively. Self-aware leaders are able to delegate tasks to others and leverage their strengths to achieve their goals.
  3. Communicate frequently. Employees want to feel like they are heard and understood. Make sure to check and communicate effectively with your team members regularly and provide them with constructive feedback. 
  4. Read actively. Reading can help you stay up-to-date on the latest trends in your industry and gain insights into the challenges and responsibilities that your employees face. When you share your knowledge with others, it shows that you are a valuable resource.
  5. Be vulnerable. Admitting your mistakes and being vulnerable shows that you are human and that you care about your employees. This can help to build trust and respect between you and your team.

By following these tips, you can gain the respect of your employees and become a more effective manager.

Here are some additional tips that you can consider:

  1. Be fair and consistent. Employees want to know that they are being treated fairly and consistently. This means setting clear expectations and following through on them.
  2. Be approachable. Employees should feel comfortable coming to you with questions or concerns. Make yourself available to them and create an open and honest communication environment.
  3. Be supportive. Employees want to know that their manager has their back. Be there to support them when they need it, and celebrate their successes.

By following these tips, you can create a respectful and positive work environment where your employees can thrive.

Sure, here is a reworded version of the sentence:

Be authentic and transparent.

  • Authenticity means being genuine and true to yourself. When you are authentic, you are not trying to be someone you’re not. You are being honest with yourself and with others.
  • Transparency means being open and honest about your thoughts, feelings, and intentions. When you are transparent, you are not hiding anything. You are being clear and upfront with others.

Why is it important to be authentic and transparent?

  • It builds trust. When people know that you are being authentic and transparent, they are more likely to trust you. Trust is essential for any relationship, including the relationship between a manager and their employees.
  • It earns respect. When people see that you are being authentic and transparent, they are more likely to respect you. Respect is earned, not given. When you are authentic and transparent, you are showing that you deserve respect.
  • It creates a positive work environment. When people feel like they can be themselves and be open and honest with each other, it creates a positive work environment. A positive work environment is one where people feel happy, productive, and motivated.


In conclusion, earning the respect of employees is a fundamental aspect of effective leadership skill. It’s not about demanding respect based on your title or position; rather, it’s a continuous process that involves self-respect, self-awareness, open communication, knowledge acquisition, and vulnerability. Recognizing and rectifying behaviors that may cause employees to lose respect, such as micromanagement, lack of appreciation, poor conflict handling, inconsistency, dishonesty, and indifference to their personal lives, is essential.


Respect is a two-way street, and by actively working on self-improvement and demonstrating genuine care for your team, you can create a workplace culture where respect is not only expected but freely given. This not only fosters a more positive and productive work environment but also paves the way for stronger employee engagement, loyalty, and overall success for both leaders and their teams. Remember, respect is not demanded; it is earned through continuous effort and actions that align with the values of effective leadership.

Let us know what steps you have taken to gain the respect of your employees?


For more insights on Mastering Leadership skills, explore our article on the Top 10 Must have Leadership Skills.



For more in depth details refer to Harvard Business Review

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