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1 Skill You Need To Be Successful at work – Communication Skill

Essential soft skill: Communication skill

“The one easy way to become worth 50 percent more than you are now, at least, is to hone your communication skills—both written and verbal”   : –     Warren Buffett, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway

Consider the impact of communication in your workplace:

  • Many workplace problems stem from poor or misunderstood communication.
  • Honest and open communication can often resolve these issues.
  • Leaders must effectively convey their vision to inspire employees.
  • They also need to communicate with stakeholders like customers and investors.
  • Communication is a skill you can enhance, benefiting both your personal and professional life. Surprisingly, many people neglect honing their communication abilities.


As a leader, effective communication with employees is a vital aspect of your role.

Developing this skill is crucial for fostering happy and engaged team members.

Good communication is a fundamental skill that enhances your leadership abilities. Here’s why it’s crucial:


Building Employee Relationships:

Positive relationships with your team are key to fostering engagement and respect. Effective communication is the foundation for forming these connections.

Conveying Your Vision:

Communication ensures your employees share your passion for the organization’s vision. Even simple tasks benefit when you can clearly communicate their purpose, reducing misunderstandings and errors.

Cultivating Your Personal Brand:

Your communication style shapes how others perceive you. Effective communication commands respect, a vital asset for leaders. Poor communication can lead to employee disengagement.

Collecting Feedback:

Communication plays a dual role in gathering feedback. It involves knowing how to initiate conversations that encourage open feedback. It also entails asking the right questions to dig deeper and uncover underlying issues.

In essence, mastering communication is not just a skill; it’s a leadership necessity that impacts relationships, vision sharing, personal reputation, and feedback collection.


Mastering Effective Communication Skill: Valuable Tips


Before delving into some practical tips for enhancing your communication skills, take a moment to watch this enlightening TED talk. It underscores the significance of communication and provides valuable insights for improvement.


Now, let’s explore key tips for better communication:

Focused Attention:

When engaging in conversation, devote your full attention to the person or people you’re communicating with. Avoid distractions like checking emails or texting, as it not only comes across as rude but also hinders effective message delivery. Show respect by being fully present.

Mind Your Body Language:

Nonverbal cues play a substantial role in communication. Your tone of voice and body language can significantly impact how your message is perceived. Ensure your body language is open: avoid crossed arms, maintain eye contact, stand or sit upright, and face the person you’re communicating with directly.

Speak Clearly and Deliberately:

Effective communication involves clear and deliberate speech. Minimize filler words like “um” and “like.” Enunciate your words and, if asked a question, take a moment to formulate a thoughtful response. Speaking slowly and clearly enhances message reception.

Ask Clarifying Questions:

Misunderstandings often stem from incomplete communication. To prevent this, ask follow-up questions or reiterate what you’ve understood. Phrases like “Just to confirm, you want me to do…” clarify situations and demonstrate active listening.

Active Listening:

True listening is a skill that many struggle with. Resist the urge to interrupt or formulate your response while someone is speaking. Instead, stay calm, absorb the information, and consider the underlying message. Show genuine interest in what’s being said.

Embrace Authenticity:

Effective communication is inherently authentic. Be truthful and genuine in your interactions. Authenticity is easily recognized by others, and it facilitates smoother message delivery. When you’re authentic, communication flows naturally.

Incorporate these tips into your communication toolkit, and you’ll find that your interactions, both personally and professionally, become more impactful and harmonious.


In conclusion, effective communication is the cornerstone of successful leadership and harmonious relationships, whether in the workplace or in everyday life. By prioritizing active listening, authenticity, and clarity in your interactions, you can build stronger connections, inspire trust, and drive positive change. Remember that communication is a skill that can be honed over time, and its impact on your personal and professional life cannot be overstated. So, take these valuable tips to heart, practice them regularly, and watch as your communication prowess transforms your leadership and relationships for the better.


Do you have any communication tips to share?



For more insights on Mastering Leadership skills, explore our article on the Top 10 Must have Leadership Skills.



For more in depth details refer to Harvard Business Review

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